Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today was a good day. We are finally back to our normal schedule. Daylight Savings kind of threw us off for a few days. We had some rough patches, but we made it through.
We are managing to stay healthy so I hope it continues! Hayley had speech therapy today and the therapist actually said, "yes, she is a stubborn little girl." That is actually a big trait with individuals who have Down Syndrome, so I am so excited for that! I will just have to be more stubborn. According to my parents it won't be that hard for me.
Chase is still Chase. I keep hoping that the spit up will stop. Well, it hasn't. Today I was burping him and he let out a big one. I was so excited, because it took him forever to get one out. Then a couple seconds later I realized that he spit up all the way down my back. It was on the couch and there was a huge spot on the floor where it all landed. Seriously, this is why I can't have nice things. Between the kids and the dogs, there is no way! (it's also why I am in sweatpants everyday of my life)
Hopefully you all are staying healthy!

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