My house is pure chaos! First of all, Bubba is pretty much over his little cold, thank goodness. Unfortunantly he passed it on to Hayley and so she is on the tail end of it. Poor Hayley is also cutting about 4 teeth right now, so she has been in a great mood!
Yesterday Bubba, Hayley and I were playing on the floor. Hayley bent down in front of Bubba and then it happened. He spit up all over her head! Her hair was a mess and it stunk so bad. So obviously she got a bath right then and there. Yesterday was also the day that no matter what I did Hayley just whined and whined. Poor thing. I could not make her happy to save my life.
This week was also the first time we tried Bubba in the exersaucer. Of course he loves it, because it's just another thing for him to spit up on. It's been out since Monday and he has already managed to make it stink like soy formula already. I actually think that he is starting to just absorb the spit up smell. Just thinking about it makes me want to give him a bath.
Today we had two firsts. I ran upstairs this morning to grab Bubba and came downstairs and I didn't see Hayley. I peek around the corner into the kitchen and found her surrounded by dog food and her little hands in the dog food dish. She looks at me and I could tell that she had some in her mouth so I ran over there and sure enough there were two pieces in her mouth. I grabbed them out and then I picked her up. The poor girl smelled like dog food. She had it all over her pjs, because she was drooling out dog food since she is teething. It was a mess. I picked her up and brushed her teeth and washed her hands and then moved her into the living room. I can't wait for Bubba to start crawling!
Hayley also broke her first toy today. She likes this vtech phone that rolls and makes music. She had rolled it into the kitchen and for some reason she turned into an ultimate fighting champion. She kept tossing it around and kicking it like crazy. She would run it into the stove or cabinets like she wanted the poor phone dead. Needless to say the phone does not make music anymore. She killed her phone. I guess my life is just going to get more chaotic as the days go by!
Good night and please pray for me.