Before children I was very anal about keeping my house clean. With two dogs tracking in dirt, I was vacuuming at least once a day and cleaning the bathrooms twice a week. I swept the kitchen floor and the entry way multiple times a day. I was determined to have a clean house. I hate clutter and I hate spots on the carpet.
Now lets fast forward two years and two kids later. Yesterday I caught Hayley picking something off the floor and putting it in her mouth. Now your thinking that's not too bad. Except it happened 3 times!! Bubba put his face on the carpet and when he lifted his head up he looked like he was dunked in a bowl of pepper. My carpet looks like we randomly poored bleach on it, because my son likes to spit up. I could probably feed a 3rd world country from all the dried food that is stuck to my kitchen floor. What happened!! I seriously need a maid. (Ok, I really just need to clean my house more, I know!)
Hayley and Bubba are getting over a cold. That has been fun. Two cranky kids with runny noses. Best time of my life! It really hasn't been too bad. Bubba is starting to really get a personality. Today he was in his swing and he had a hold of both feet and blowing bubbles. It was very cute. Hayley had to watch her favorite show twice today. She usually watches her show right before her afternoon nap. Well, this morning she was cranky while I was feeding Bubba, so I put it on for her. Well, after she woke up from her morning nap she kept staring at the tv. The tv was off so I couldn't figure out what she was looking at. She would look at the tv and then look at me. She repeated that many times and then she started getting fussy. Well, I don't want her to watch a lot of tv, but I put her show on again. She sat there and smiled and danced and then once it was over she was fine. She went on playing with her toys and that was the end of it. She knows what she wants!
Well, I am exhausted and I need to get up early and do some cleaning :)